Our Community Multi Academy Trust (OCMAT)

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Meet the Trust Board

Mike O'Connell, Director (Chair)

I am a retired Social Worker and have worked in both child protection and Youth Justice sectors.  For many years I worked within the Kent Education Safeguarding Service as Safeguarding Training and Development Lead for Education services including early years, schools and colleges.  I have also been  a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) advising on safer practice and allegations management for within education.  My areas of interest include safeguarding children and staff and supporting vulnerable children to achieve their potential.

David Haylor, Director

As the founder and CEO of the recruitment firm IAC, I have over 20 years of experience in leadership, recruitment, and team development. I started my career at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst and served as a platoon commander in the British Army. I then transitioned to the recruitment industry, where I established and managed teams across various audit and risk domains. 

I have built a sector leading recruitment firm with a stellar growth record which provides lasting client, stakeholder and shareholder value.

My wider role alongside of running IAC is working with key clients and individuals to develop their leadership and personal skills and capabilities. I also advise scaling companies on large scale recruitment projects. 

I am married to a career long primary school teacher, am an avid reader, father of two and slightly obsessive fitness fella!

Simmone Haywood, Director

 Simmone is a highly motivated results orientated HR professional with a track record of delivering people solutions in a multi-site and International environment.  Simmone has over 30 years’ experience with Marks and Spencer PLC, covering a range of strategic leadership roles.  Simmone is now, Co-Founder of the Millwood Partnership, an HR Consultancy, working with businesses across sectors to optimise value through people.  She is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and works as an Enterprise Advisor with Kent Secondary Schools.  Simmone is delighted to hold the role of Director in Our Community Multi Academy Trust.

Jo Hygate, Director

Jo has spent the last 30 years in education, and over the last fifteen has led three schools as an Executive Headteacher. She has a proven track record in school improvement and since April 2019 has been CEO of the DEALT academy, which is made up of 8 primary schools in Deal. She has also supported other local schools as a pupil premium reviewer and a National Leader in Education.

Roo Mackie, Director

 Roo is a marketing consultant and executive coach.  Her passion is to support people to realise their potential, whether that’s as individuals, teams or in delivering better business outcomes.  Roo’s experience spans multiple industries and she has worked across the globe helping to shape brands and teams.  As a Director with OCMAT, she is looking forward to utilising her experience and knowledge to help meet the Trust’s ambitions.

Jonny Uttley, Director

Jonny Uttley is the CEO of The Education Alliance Multi-Academy Trust (TEAL). TEAL is a trust of eight schools, in East Yorkshire, Hull and York, serving over 6,500 students, and a SCITT which trains around 60 new entrants to the profession each year.

As a National Leader of Education, Jonny has worked with schools in many different contexts and is committed to a school improvement approach that puts real ethical leadership at the heart of our system, so schools create cultures in which staff genuinely thrive. Jonny is also an elected member of the DfE Advisory Board for Yorkshire and the Humber.

The Education Alliance is a pathfinder trust for the ASCL/NGA Ethical Leadership Project and Jonny is the co-author, with John Tomsett, of Putting Staff First: A Blueprint for Revitalising Our Schools.

 Andrew Collie, Member

Andrew is the School's Officer (Organisation & Estates) for the Diocese of Canterbury responsible for school land and buildings.  He has held similar roles in two other dioceses as part of a second career in charity property management while also being involved in CofE diocesan governance.  He has been around education for many years by being married to a Key Stage 1 teacher!

 Rev. Steve Lillicrap, Member

Steve is the Rector of the Parish of Kingsdown and Creekside, which includes the villages of Lynsted and Norton. Steve has been involved with Governance in Schools at many level over a number of years.

Bruce McGlashan, Member

Bruce is Head of Technical & Sustainability at the Orchard Fruit Company. Bruce has been involved with the Trust for many years as a Member, offering a range of skills to support the Trust's Objectives.

Quintin Roper, Member

Quentin is Director of Education for the Diocese of Canterbury and leads its work in relation ministry with children, schools and young people. Quentin is responsible for developing and articulating vision and strategy, managing a team that supports and resources schools, deaneries, and parishes.

Martin Swainson, Member

Martin is a retired stockbroker, and has spent many years involved with Governance in schools at all levels. Martin has a range of skills which supports the Trust in meeting its objectives.

Julie Duplock, Trust Clerk

Julie has been working for OCMAT as Trust Clerk since September 2022 and enjoys a very busy and varied role.  Julie's job entails her to communicate with a wide range of people across the OCMAT schools and ensure that communication with various stakeholders is consistent.

Email: [email protected] 

 Trust Board Committee Members

OCMAT Governance Structure September 2024

Directors Code of Conduct

Name Role Appointment date
Mike O'Connell Chair 28 March 2023
Ian Chappell Vice Chair 15 April 2021
David Haylor Director 31 January 2024
Simmone Haywood Director 1 September 2019
Jo Hygate Director 5 September 2023
Jonny Uttley Director 1 September 2022
Roo Mackie Director 5 September 2023
vacant Director
Quinten Roper (DACAL) Member 29 June 2017
Rev. Steve Lillicrap Member 1 June 2021
Martin Swainson Member 1 June 2021
Bruce McGlashan Member 1 June 2021
Andrew Collie (Diocese) Member 7 September 2022

 Committees 2024-2025

Audit and Risk Committee Members

  • Ian Chappell - Chair
  • Roo Mackie
  • David Haylor

Standards  Committee Members

  • Mike O'Connell - Chair
  • Jonny Uttley

Finance and Resources Committee Members

  • David Haylor - Chair
  • Simmone Haywood

Christian Distinctiveness Committee Members

  • Jo Hygate - Chair
  • vacancy

Directors and Members Resignations


  • David Whitehead. Appointed 29 June 2017, resigned 31 August 2023
  • Helen Stewart. Appointed 29 June 2017, resigned 1 March 2023
  • Christine Wilson. Appointed 1 September 2018, resigned 31 August 2022
  • Claire Harris. Appointed 29 June 2017, resigned 31 August 2022
  • Franz McCoy. Appointed 1 June 2021, resigned 20 December 2021
  • David Crombie. Appointed 20 September 2017, resigned 19 January 2021
  • Howitt.  Appointed 23 January 2020, resigned 18 January 2021
  • Mike Dyson.  Appointed 4 February 2019, resigned 2 July 2019
  • Paul Meechan.  Appointed 1 September 2018, resigned 26 March 2019
  • Jane Lillicrap.  Appointed 20 July 2017, resigned 3 December 2018
  • Jan Mills.  Appointed 20 July 2017, resigned 31 July 2018
  • Anne Ryback.   Appointed 29 June 2017, resigned 1 April 2018
  • Elizabeth Smith.  Appointed 29 June 2017, resigned 19 November 2018
  • Miranda Rees.  Appointed 29 June 2017, resigned 31 December 2017


  • Niki Patterson, Appointed 1 September 2017, resigned April 2022
  • Richard Parkin. Appointed 1 June 2017, resigned 1 June 2021
  • Eileen Martin.  Appointed 1 September 2017, resigned 31 December 2020
  • Simon Molony.  Appointed 1 August 2017, resigned 9 November 2018